The other night Tyler couldn't find the remote to the TV and he started pulling out the cushions on the couch and gasped. We found days and days of Holdens vitamins that he supposadly had eaten. I usually give them to him after dinner and then go do the dishes, and this is apparently where he would stash them. You can even see that some are "wet" he had put them in his mouth for me to see and then took them out. He hates the dinosaur ones but I had bought a 500 count bottle at Costco so he is going to have them for quite awhile. We now have to watch him eat them all!!!

Sorry but that is so TOTALLY funny! Oh my goodness. It's only the beginning!!!! What a hoot. Good luck keeping an eye on that boy. Too cute.
Oh, and first off I thought that was your trash under the cushion and thought, that is nothing!! Your couches are clean! Nice :)
O what a stinker! He is going to be a handful as a teenager...I don't know why I am so scared of the teenage years for kids...just a hard time I guess--anyways that is hilarious! I can't believe he did that!
What a sneaky little guy! That was funny! I would think he'd like them because they are shaped like dinosaurs!
That's super funny. When I was in grade school I would steal the Flintstone vitamins from the cupboard and devour them like candy with my best friend as we walked to school.
Ok....I am cracking up! That is hilarious! He's quite the smart one...I must add! :)
okay maybe not too funny, but he sure is clever!
That's so funny! At least it wasn't his meds! I find Parker's MED...hours after he has gone to school!
Too cute...
Oh my gosh, I didn't think Holden had that in him. That is so funny!
that is too funny! what a smart kid!
ps. i have been a bad little blogger and haven't been around much at all. but i LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog header! are you digiscrapping now?
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