Saturday, August 30, 2008

Crossing Political Lines

Whether you are Democratic or Republican, please take a moment to watch this clip. As a fellow mother of a child with special needs it brought joy to my heart, to see someone in the public spotlight choose to face the life of a child with special needs head on, and embrace it. I too feel honored to be Calebs mom as he brings such joy and happiness into my life.


Lindsay said...

I really liked that a lot! I don't know much about Sarah Palin other than what I've heard about her in the news over the past couple of days but so far, I really like her!!! I didn't know Glenn Beck had a child with special needs. I just learned something new!
Thanks for sharing this wonderful post!

Dana and ohana said...

can I just tell you that I am SOOO excited about Sarah Palin as VP. I was not thrilled with McCain but with her on board I am so excited to vote in November. PLUS what an amazing woman...5 kids and VP! Girl Power!What an inspiration she is and what an example she sets.

Emily said...

I think she looks like a good mom. I thought about Cabbie during her speech last night...but I looked into some of her background and was disappointed with how she voted before her son was born, in places that provided money for special needs kids and families...maybe she will choose wiser this time around and maybe she will be an advocate for special needs children and their families like she claimed last night. I hope so! I think there needs to be more of that FOR SURE! (And even though I can't stand Glenn Beck--I agreed with this message! First time agreeing with him actually!) :) You are a great mom, Mandy!!! Cabbie is lucky! I feel very lucky to know Caleb!!