Our school district was way too large and had to be split. 60% of those students at Caleb's school lived on the West side of the Salt Lake Valley. They built a new special needs school for that district, and for those kids to attend. Therefore they needed teachers to follow those kids there. Unfortunately, Penny is one of those. I still can't think about it, without getting tears in my eyes. Especially since I met who he is supposed to have next year and I was not impressed. I hope and pray that things may change, and that we will be able to work out something that will benefit Caleb. He has so much potential, and he needs a teacher that will nurture that, and be able to work with him as Penny did. She was definately an angel in both mine and Calebs life and she will be greatly missed.

I'm so sorry. Good teachers can be so hard to come by.I hope his new teacher turns out to bring out the best in Caleb. And makes him feel loved.
Aw that is so sweet. Look at hs arm around her! What a great lady! I love great teachers! Especially teachers of kids with disabilities.
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