Friday, April 1, 2011


We enrolled Holden in Karate this year, he has been doing it for two months and loves it!!

I have really been impressed with the program, the expect respect for the kids, and doing well at school and at home. Their teacher even has to sign off that they are doing well in class to advance to the next belt.

Last night Holden was able to pass off his white belt and earn his yellow belt!! He was so excited and it is fun to watch him do so well.

The lighting in that place is horrid, but here he is accepting his yellow belt

This last picture you can barely see, but like I said they encourage the kids to do well in school, and because he earned his Mighty Mustang Award for his Walt Disney puppet, he was able to earn a blue star patch to put onto his pants!


Emily said...

So cute! Go Holden!

Brian and Beth said...

Way to go Holden!!! Awesome blue star!